Un regard sur les 12 derniers mois au Centre de Conservation des Elephants

Bienvenue dans cette dernière mise à jour du blog du Centre de Conservation de Eléphants du Laos, dans laquelle nous faisons le point sur une année pleine de réalisations et d’efforts remarquables pour la conservation des éléphants. Au cours des 12 derniers mois, nous avons mené avec succès la campagne “Sauver Boua”, pour assurer l’avenir de Mae Boua Ngeun, une jeune éléphante, et l’intégrer dans notre programme de reproduction. Notre…

A look into the last 12 months at the Elephant Conservation Center

Welcome to our latest update at the Elephant Conservation Center, where we reflect on a year filled with remarkable achievements and ongoing efforts in elephant conservation. We have made significant strides over the past 12 months, from the successful “Save Boua” campaign, securing Mae Boua Ngeun’s future, to our groundbreaking rewilding program celebrating five years of success. Our dedicated Ranger Patrol Team continues to safeguard the Nam Pouy National Protected…

Mekong Elephant Park

The Elephant Conservation Center partners with Mekong Elephant Park for conservation purposes

One of the missions of the Elephant Conservation Center is to breed elephants for conservation purposes. If an other place wants to breed to protect the species, we share our experience and our knowledge. In this context, the ECC started to monitor 2 females from Mekong Elephant Park 9 months ago. After receiving all the blood samples, our biologist has been able to know their cycle. These two females are…

Back to the wild

Back to the wild, an update of our released elephants

This week, we will show what is happening in the protected area of Nam Pouy. As a reminder, we have started to release elephants into the wild in March 2019 in collaboration with the Lao Government and with the support of IEP (International Elephant Project), Fondation Ensemble, and Senspa. Our team goes to check on them regularly, and we are happy to say everything is going great! You can have…