Chefs at partner restaurants have developed one or more vegetarian / vegan menus based on food that humans and elephants share. By choosing these menus, you contribute directly to the protection of the last elephants of Laos. Partner restaurants support the Elephant Conservation Center financially for each meal that is served. Our team has been working in Sayaboury province since 2001, in the natural habitat of 75% of Laos’ elephants.

Our Concept
Healthy Food for Conservation
ECC’s main objectives are:
To provide elephants with a natural habitat where they can rest and become part of a herd. Here they can feed on more than 30 different species of edible plants, ensuring a healthy diet;
To improve elephant welfare nationwide and provide quality veterinary care at the only elephant hospital in Laos;
To increase the number of births to ensure a brighter future to this endangered species. With only 2 births for 10 deaths annually, the Lao elephant population could disappear within 30 to 40 years;
To create a socially compatible group with elephants rescued from different regions and eventually translocate them into a protected area.
Thank you for your support and enjoy your meal!
The Menu
Healthy & Fresh